2018 WECHU Strategic Plan Progress - At a Glance
Communication and Awareness
Objective |
2017 |
2018 |
1.1. 60% of survey respondents are aware of the programs and services offered by the WECHU by 2021. |
Progressing | Progressing |
1.2 60% of survey respondents have seen or heard about the WECHU by 2021. |
Progressing | Progressing |
1.3 60% of survey respondents are satisfied with internal communication efforts in the WECHU by 2021. |
Work Needed | Progressing |
Objective |
2017 |
2018 |
2.1. 100% of program/service driven departments implement a formal feedback process with at least one external partnership by 2021. |
Progressing | Progressing |
2.2. At least 20% of activities in the operational plan identify formal internal partnerships by 2021. |
Work Needed | Progressing |
Organizational Development
Objective |
2017 |
2018 |
3.1. A minimum of 2 organization-wide quality improvement activities will occur annually through to 2021. |
Objective Met | Objective Met |
3.2. 100% of the WECHU staff are trained in change management strategies by 2021. |
Progressing | Progressing |
3.3. 100% of corporate risks identified as high have mitigation strategies developed and implemented by 2021 |
Progressing | Progressing |
3.4. 80% of the WECHU staff have a positive view of organizational culture by 2021. |
Work Needed | Progressing |
Evidence-based Public Health Practice
Objective |
2017 |
2018 |
4.1. 100% of departments collect corporate level client satisfaction data by 2021. |
Progressing | Progressing |
4.2. 100% of the Ontario Public Health Standards (OPHS) 2018 program areas have at least one activity focused on healthy public policy development by 2021. |
Progressing | Progressing |
4.3. 100% of the OPHS population health assessment requirements (7), the research, knowledge exchange, and communication requirements (3) and the related protocols are being addressed by 2021. |
Progressing | Objective Met |
4.4. 100% of our programs have adopted a health equity approach by 2021. |
Progressing | Progressing |
Our strategic plan allows our organization to identify key roles, priorities, and directions across 2017 to 2021. It sets out what we plan to accomplish as an organization, how we plan to do it, and how we will measure our progress toward our goals. The current strategic plan is based on four strategic priorities: Communication and Awareness; Partnerships; Organizational Development; and Evidence-Based Public Health Practice.
As outlined in the 2017-2021 Strategic Plan under “Implementation and Monitoring”:
In order to support a framework of continuous improvement, the strategic plan will be reviewed and its progress will be measured and reported to the BoH annually. The annual review process will consist of a meeting with the SPC, with an attempt to have all previous committee members involved, during which the plan elements, including goals and indicators will be discussed and reviewed. At that time, based on consensus discussion and decision making, elements of the plan, specifically objectives, goals and indicators, may be altered to account for changes in the internal and external environment. The mission, vision, values statements, and priorities will remain consistent throughout the duration of the plan to ensure a consistent focus is maintained. After the SPC review, a strategic plan report will be prepared and presented to the BoH for consideration.
This report provides the objectives under each strategic priority, summarizes the progress our organization made during the second year of implementation (2018) and provides evidence of our commitment to quality, excellence, and accountability. The report also identifies changes made as a result of discussions at the annual SPC review meeting and includes previous years’ measures (where established), 2018 measures/results, and next steps.
Communication and Awareness
OBJECTIVE 1.1Strengthen the community’s awareness of our programs and services by developing and implementing a corporate communications strategy. |
Goal |
60% of survey respondents are aware of the programs and services offered by the WECHU by 2021. |
Measure |
% level of awareness of WECHU programs and services. |
Previous Year(s) Results |
2018 Results |
Next Steps |
In addition to continuing to ask this question in the Corporate External Client Experience website survey, this question will be included in the upcoming community needs assessment refresh survey. Community awareness of WECHU programs and services will also be explored through a set of focus groups being conducted by Ipsos on behalf of the WECHU. The information gathered from these focus groups sessions will be used to inform next steps in improving community awareness of our programs and services. The Communications department will continue to develop the Marketing and Communications plan. In 2018, five policies and procedures which address elements of organizational branding across media channels were developed and rolled out to the organization, and work has begun to define the WECHU’s programs and services. |
OBJECTIVE 1.2Increase the WECHU’s visibility by developing and implementing a community engagement approach. |
Goal |
60% of survey respondents have seen or heard about the WECHU by 2021. |
Measure |
% of survey respondents that have seen or heard about the WECHU in the past 3 months. |
Previous Year(s) Results |
2018 Results |
Next Steps |
The PSI and Communications departments have identified a need to revisit this objective in 2019, including the associated goals and measures, to better define what is meant by engagement and develop a formal engagement strategy. As a first step, Ipsos will be conducting a community survey followed by a number of focus groups on behalf of the WECHU in Q1 of 2019. Once the strategy is complete, recommendations will be provided to the SPC late in 2019 or early 2020 to review and modify the objective, goal, and measures in order to accurately reflect achievements in this area. |
OBJECTIVE 1.3Improve communication within the WECHU by developing and implementing an internal communication strategy. |
Goal |
A Net Promoter Score (Internal Communications) greater than 30 |
Measure |
Average Net Promoter Score (Internal Communications) of seven internal communications items found on the employee engagement survey. |
Previous Year(s) Results |
From the pre- and post-accreditation survey item:
2018 Results |
Net Promoter Score (Internal Communications): 10.86 |
Next Steps |
Work to improve internal communications as part of the overall employee engagement strategy will continue into 2019 including the redevelopment of the intranet, regular Chats with Theresa, team meeting discussion questions, and web-based all staff meetings. *Note: the SPC decided to change the measure of this objective by using the average Net Promoter Score (NPS) of seven internal communications questions asked in a monthly employee engagement survey with a goal of a score greater than 30. The NPS is calculated in the following way: Respondents are asked about their satisfaction with seven aspects of internal communication on a scale of 0 and 10 and are then grouped into promoters (9-10 rating, extremely satisfied), passively satisfied (7-8 rating), and detractors (0-6 rating, extremely unsatisfied). The percentage of detractors is subtracted from the percentage of promoters to get an overall score. A final net promoter score above 0 is considered positive. For example, if there were 40% promoters and 25% detractors, the NPS score would be +15.
OBJECTIVE 2.1Increase the effectiveness of partnerships through formal feedback mechanisms. |
Goal |
100% of program/service driven departments implement a formal feedback process with at least one external partnership by 2021. |
Measure |
% of program/service driven departments who have completed a partnership feedback process. |
Previous Year(s) Results |
The partnership tool was in development. |
2018 Results |
The partnership tool has been developed and finalized. Training for management and staff took place in Q4 of 2018. On track to meet the goal by 2021. |
Next Steps |
E&E and PSI to develop tracking system to be included in the 2020 planning cycle in order to measure whether partnership evaluations have been completed. A second goal related to developing and acting on a plan to deal with ineffective partnerships may be considered in 2020 and beyond, as a way to enhance this objective. |
OBJECTIVE 2.2Increase the number of internal partnerships. |
Goal |
At least 20% of activities in the operational plan identify formal internal partnerships by 2021. |
Measure |
% of operational activities that identify formal internal partnerships. |
Previous Year(s) Results |
7.9% (8 out of 101) of operational activities identified an internal partnership in 2017. |
2018 Results |
19% of work plans included in the 2018 Operational Plan referenced this objective. |
Next Steps |
The updated planning tool now includes more detail about internal partnerships for the 2019 planning cycle. By creating program summaries with owners and co-owners we have identified strategic internal partnerships that set the stage for implementing the standards in a coordinated way. In the future, E&E may consider adapting the external partnership evaluation framework to internal partnerships to ensure their effectiveness in meeting objectives (e.g., improving internal communication, reducing silos, reducing duplication, and creating efficiencies) in 2020. |
Organizational Development
OBJECTIVE 3.1Improve performance by striving towards operational excellence and a focus on continuous quality improvement. |
Goal |
A minimum of two organization-wide quality improvement activities will occur annually through to 2021. |
Measure |
# of corporate level quality improvement activities. |
Previous Year(s) Results |
A total of three corporate level quality improvement activities occurred in 2017:
2018 Results |
Four corporate level quality improvement activities began in 2018:
Next Steps |
In addition to continuing the work begun on quality improvement activities in 2018 (AODA Adherence, Corporate QIP, and the Risk Registry), the following activities are planned for 2019:
OBJECTIVE 3.2Increase our readiness to adapt to internal and external factors through effective change management practices. |
Goal |
100% of the WECHU staff are trained in change management strategies by 2021. |
Measure |
% of staff trained in change management strategies. |
Previous Year(s) Results |
Change management training was offered to staff and managers in the fall of 2017. A total of 80 employees attended the training (33.1% of WECHU employees).
2018 Results |
Not reportable. Down from previous year given that no further training in change management took place in 2018. |
Next Steps |
The PSI department will explore standardized change management training and approaches to increase the use of the WECHU’s change management plan template/process. A strategy to train remaining WECHU employees and ensure that all new hires receive change management training will be developed. *Note the SPC discussed whether the measure being used for this objective accurately reflects the work being accomplished towards this goal, and may wish to revisit this measure in the future. |
OBJECTIVE 3.3Enhance our understanding and monitoring efforts of identified corporate risks to embrace opportunities, create flexibility, and preserve organizational assets. |
Goal |
100% of corporate risks identified as high have mitigation strategies developed and implemented by 2021. |
Measure |
% of corporate risks deemed to be ‘high risk’ that have mitigation strategies developed and implemented. |
Previous Year(s) Results |
In 2017, the Leadership Team developed and finalized the corporate risk registry. There were a total of 32 risks identified:
2018 Results |
The risk registry has been significantly updated. There are now five corporate risks identified as having high residual risk, but far fewer moderate risks than there were before. Four out of the five (80%) corporate risks identified as having “high residual risk” now have mitigation plans in place. |
Next Steps |
All high risks, and many moderate risks, have identified “actions required” to be implemented moving forward. The risk registry will soon include Key Risk Indicators (KRI’s), each with a reporting schedule. A draft risk management template has been released from the MOHLTC regarding risk identification and mitigation strategies. Their template has the same columns as the WECHU’s internal template. Risk identification practices will continue as planned. |
OBJECTIVE 3.4Improve organizational culture through people development and employee engagement strategies. |
Goal |
A Net Promotor Score (Engagement) greater than 30 |
Measure |
Net Promoter Score (Engagement) |
Previous Year(s) Results |
A strategy to report corporately and yearly on employee engagement aspects was in development. |
2018 Results |
Net Promoter Score (Engagement): 19.79 |
Recommendations and Next Steps |
Implementation of the Employee engagement strategies will continue, including activities such as all staff meetings, monthly team meeting questions, and other strategies that involve obtaining staff input and dialogue. *Note the SPC decided to change the measure of this objective by using the Net Promoter Score (NPS) of the question, “How likely is it that you would recommend this organization as a good place to work?”, with a new goal of a score greater than 30. Responses to this question are highly correlated with other measures of engagement found in the monthly engagement survey sent to 30 randomly selected staff (which began in Q2 of 2018). Please see Objective 1.3 for an explanation of the NPS calculation. |
Evidence-Based Public Health Practice
OBJECTIVE 4.1Establish organizational supports for client-centered service strategies. |
Goal |
100% of departments collect corporate level client satisfaction data by 2021. |
Measure |
% of departments that collect corporate level client satisfaction data. |
Previous Year(s) Results |
The Corporate Client Experience Survey was launched in the second quarter of 2017. Also in 2017, the Family Health department launched a Healthy Babies Healthy Children Client Survey. They were the first department to launch a departmental client experience survey. |
2018 Results |
The Healthy Families department continues to be the only external facing department to collect client satisfaction data. In addition, a survey on the health unit website continues to collect client satisfaction data at the corporate level. |
Next Steps |
In 2019, the PSI department will develop an overarching framework for client experience measurement, analysis, reporting, and related action. This process will begin by establishing standardized measurement approaches, followed by a pilot implementation with up to two external-facing departments. |
OBJECTIVE 4.2Develop and implement a framework to support healthy public policy. |
Goal |
100% of the Ontario Public Health Standards (OPHS) program areas have at least one activity focused on healthy public policy development by 2021. |
Measure |
% of OPHS program areas with an activity focused on healthy public policy development. |
Previous Year(s) Results |
2017: 4 of 9 (40.4%) OPH program standard areas had at least one activity focused on healthy public policy development in 2017. |
2018 Results |
6 of 9 (66%) OPH program standard areas had at least one activity focused on healthy public policy development in 2018. |
Next Steps |
The PSI department will continue to support the implementation of the Healthy Public Policy Toolkit and Guidance document. This includes identifying and proactively addressing healthy public policy development activities; supporting organizational capacity building efforts related to healthy public policy; providing support and guidance to those developing healthy public policies; and evaluating the effectiveness of the Healthy Public Policy Toolkit and the related processes. Based on information gathered throughout the year, additional support for targeted organizational knowledge and skill development may be implemented. The PSI Department will revisit the goal in 2019 to ensure that healthy public policy development is being appropriately measured. |
OBJECTIVE 4.3Enhance local data collection efforts and analysis to support knowledge exchange both internally and externally. |
Goal |
100% of the OPHS population health assessment requirements (7), the research, knowledge exchange, and communication requirements (3) and the related protocols are being addressed by 2021. |
Measure |
% of OPHS population health assessment requirements (7), the research, knowledge exchange, and communication requirements (3) and related protocols being addressed. |
Previous Year(s) Results |
Not established. Deferred due to the introduction of the modernized OPHS. |
2018 Results |
100% of OPHS population health assessment requirements (7), the research, knowledge exchange, and communication requirements (3) and related protocols being addressed. |
Next Steps |
This objective will be measured in M-Files as work plans are reviewed. E&E will input the appropriate requirements under the two standards for each Intervention Work Plan that requires E&E support. |
OBJECTIVE 4.4Develop and implement protocols that ensure all programs and services are using a health equity approach. |
Goal |
100% of our programs have adopted a health equity approach by 2021. |
Measure |
% of programs that have adopted a health equity approach. |
Previous Year(s) Results |
Two key initiatives were completed in 2018 to support programs adopting health equity focused approaches: 1) Implementing a corporate Health Equity Strategy.
2) Evaluating and improving corporate Health Equity Impact Assessment (HEIA) planning tools and processes.
2018 Results |
68% of programs have adopted a health equity approach in 2018. |
Next Steps |
The following initiatives are planned for 2019 to advance this strategic objective:
*Note: the SPC decided to delete the words, “and service departments” and “to an activity” from the goal and measure to enhance alignment with annual service plans. Based on ministry requirements, the updated 2019 planning system details WECHU interventions by program area and intervention, not department and activity. |