Board Members Present:
Renaldo Agostino, Dr. Mark Awuku, Joe Bachetti, Dr. Jennifer Bondy, Fabio Costante, Fred Francis, Hilda MacDonald, Robert Maich (3:13 pm), Angelo Marignani, Michael Prue, Rob Shepley, Jennifer Yee
Board Member Regrets:
Dr. Sardar Khan
Administration Present:
Dr. Mehdi Aloosh, Dr. Ken Blanchette, Michael Horrobin, Kristy McBeth, Eric Nadalin, Dan Sibley, Linda Watson, Emily Durance(recorder)
Board Chair
Fabio Costante
QUORUM: Confirmed (at 3:00pm)
- Call to Order
Board of Health Chair, F. Costante, called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm- Land Acknowledgement - Read by Board Chair, F. Costante
- Quorum – Confirmed
- Declaration of Conflict of Interest – None
- Introduction of New Board Member – Dr. Jennifer Bondy
Board Chair, F. Costante, introduced and welcomed the WECHU’s newly appointed provincial member, Dr. Jennifer Bondy, to the Board of Health effective June 13, 2024, for a term of one year.
- Approval of Agenda
Motion: That the agenda be approved.
Moved by: F. Francis
Seconded by: R. Shepley
CARRIED - Approval of Minutes: September 26, 2024
Motion: That the minutes be approved.
Moved by: A. Marignani
Seconded by: J. Bachetti
CARRIED - Medical Officer of Health Updates (Dr. M. Aloosh)
Dr. Aloosh noted the expected rise in respiratory diseases during the winter season and the importance of receiving the available vaccines for prevention.
Locally, the number of flu cases this fall/winter has not been significantly high, yet. There is still an opportunity to receive the flu vaccine and benefit from protection from the vaccine before the rise in the disease activity. The vaccine is especially important for children under the age of 5 and older adults.
With respect to COVID-19, the number of cases is going down. However, newborns and infants under the age of 6 months, are at higher risk of the severe disease. They are not eligible for the vaccine and their immune system are not fully developed, making it extremely important for those around them, for example siblings, parents, and caregivers, to get the vaccine.
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) activity is moderate at this time; however, we expect an increase over the coming weeks. There is an immunization program available through the Health Unit for infants and high-risk children, as well as those aged 60 years and older and high-risk older adults.
Dr. Aloosh emphasized the importance of vaccination, and he recommended that everyone who is eligible receive all of their vaccines.
A. Marignani asked what is being done to promote the available vaccines. Dr. Aloosh responded that there are updates provided to local clinicians, information available on the WECHU website, and a letter to the editor was published in the Windsor Star. K. McBeth added that the Health Unit is also offering a mobile vaccination program for high-risk populations. - Consent Agenda
- Information Reports
- Communications Reports:
- September 2024
- October 2024
- November 2024
- Certified Food Handler Enforcement – One Year Compliance Update
- 2024 Annual Service Plan – Q3 Status Report
- 2025 Organizational Risk Management Report
- Q3 Board of Health Effectiveness Survey Summary
- 2024 Environmental Health Seasonal Program Summary Report
- 2026-2030 Strategic Planning Process
- Strategic Plan Q3 Progress Report
Motion: That the above information be approved.
Moved by: H. MacDonald
Seconded by: F. Francis
- Communications Reports:
- Information Reports
- Correspondence (Dr. K. Blanchette)
- Peterborough Public Health – Support for Bills S-233 and C-233 (for information)
- Peterborough Public Health – Funding Support for Student Nutrition Programs (for information)
Motion: That the above correspondence be received.
Moved by: F. Francis
Seconded by: Dr. M. Awuku
- Presentations
- 2025 WECHU Programs – Operational/Annual Service Plan (Kristy McBeth/Eric Nadalin/Linda Watson)
The WECHU’s annual service plan is due by the 1st of March of every year and is a requirement of the Ministry of Health. It is the responsibility of the board to ensure all program plans take place.
Programs are structured to reflect a balance of local public health needs and current provincial requirements.
There are nine current program standards. Under the proposed Ontario Public Health Standards draft, there are eight program standards. They are as follows:
Comprehensive Health Promotion Programs: mental health promotion/food environment/healthy relationships/healthy growth and development.
Healthy Families Programs: Healthy Babies Healthy Children/Healthy Pregnancy & Preparation for Parenting Education (HPPPE)
Oral Health Programs: Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program/Healthy Smiles Ontario/Oral Health Assessment and Surveillance.
Immunization Programs: COVID-19 Vaccine/RSV Vaccine/Vaccine Management/ISPA/Vaccine Administration/Vaccine Confidence
Substance Use Prevention and Harm Reduction Programs: Env. Supports for Substance Prevention & Harm Reduction/Policy Development and Community Coordination/Enhancing Harm Reduction Access/Regulatory Compliance & Enforcement
Infectious Disease Prevention Programs: STBBI/TB/CDOM/IPAC Hub
Environmental Health Programs: Food Safety/Facility IPAC/Zoonotic and VBD/Safe Water/Health Hazard Management
Emergency Management Program
Motion: That the 2025 Annual Service Plan be accepted as presented.
Moved by: A. Marignani
Seconded by: H. MacDonald
CARRIED - 2025 Budget (M. Horrobin) (for approval)
See related resolution.
Motion: See proposed motion in Resolutions/Recommendation Reports Item 7.5.
Moved by: F. Francis
Seconded by: R. Shepley
CARRIED - Risk Management 2025 (Dr. Ken Blanchette) (for approval)
See related resolution.
Motion: See proposed motion in Resolutions/Recommendation Reports Item 9.3.
Moved by: F. Francis
Seconded by: A. Marignani
- 2025 WECHU Programs – Operational/Annual Service Plan (Kristy McBeth/Eric Nadalin/Linda Watson)
- Business Arising
- Resolutions/Recommendation Reports
- Intimate Partner/Gender Based Violence (for approval)
It was noted in the report that the topic of violence was added to the Ontario Public Health Standards in 2018. The report we have provided is very detailed with local data and beyond.
Proposed Motion
Whereas, the WECHU believes that everyone has the right to live in safety and with dignity, free from intimidation and the threat of violence; and
Whereas, the Ontario Public Health Standards requires boards of health, based on local evidence, to address violence through public health interventions including collaboration and advocacy; and
Whereas, the elements of proposed Bill 173, the Intimate Partner Violence Epidemic Act, 2024, would establish provincial recognition that intimate partner violence is at crisis level in Ontario; and
Whereas, Windsor and Essex County residents and families have lived experience with intimate partner violence as a complex, multi-faceted issue that requires our community to address the root causes while simultaneously supporting survivors and families;
Now therefore be it resolved that the Windsor-Essex County Board of Health urges the Province of Ontario to implement a meaningful and sustained society-wide response to intimate partner violence and gender-based violence; and
FURTHER THAT, Windsor and Essex County municipalities address gender based and intimate partner violence prevention within their provincially legislated community safety and well-being plans; and
FURTHER THAT, intimate partner violence, gender based, and family violence prevention is funded provincially to ensure the necessary ongoing investment of resources to support an effective public health approach to addressing violence in Ontario’s communities; and
FURTHER THAT, the WECHU endorses calls for the provincial government to address intimate partner and gender based through legislative action.
Motion: That the above resolution be approved.
Moved by: F. Francis
Seconded by: H. MacDonald
CARRIED - Rabies Prevention in Windsor and Essex County (for approval)
This resolution is being brought forward to follow up on an information report that was presented to the board during the September meeting. The province of Ontario saw the first case of human rabies since 1967.
This resolution highlights the on-going public health risk and offers opportunities to strengthen local animal by-laws with respect to vaccination and explore opportunities to coordinate accessible and affordable animal removal services for residents. There will be more detailed recommendations for the municipalities in the new year.
Dr. Mark Awuku asked who is responsible if an animal bites a person. K. McBeth responded that if it is a domestic animal, it is the responsibility of owner. If the animal is a stray, the humane society would be involved. The Health Unit’s focus is on human health and would ensure that the victim receives post-bite vaccination. J. Yee asked when the vaccination is provided. Dr. M. Aloosh responded that there are two instances when vaccination is recommended; post-exposure and pre-exposure for those who work with animals. The post-exposure vaccine is funded by the Ministry of Health and provided by the Health Unit.
A. Marignani stated the importance of an educational component for the public to be aware that skunks can also carry rabies, as the city of Windsor is seeing a skunk problem with the development of new homes. E. Nadalin added that a news release was issued at the beginning of the summer with information on the animals that should be kept at a distance. It received good media attention.
Proposed Motion
WHEREAS, rabies is almost always fatal in humans once symptoms develop; and
WHEREAS, rabies is present in our community with bats, raccoons, foxes, and skunks as the most common wildlife carriers; and
WHEREAS, immunization requirements for domestic animals are a key prevention and management strategy in Ontario to reduce rabies exposure risks; and
WHEREAS, municipal animal licensing strategies are an effective way for communities to clarify what animals can and cannot be kept as pets and what regulations pet owners must follow in caring for them; and
WHEREAS, there are opportunities for communities to prevent high-risk animal exposures through accessible and affordable wildlife removal services; and
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Windsor-Essex County Board of Health encourages all local municipalities to review, strengthen, and enforce animal licensing by-laws and include provisions that consider the immunization status of domestic animals as a part of the licensing process.
AND FURTHER THAT, the Windsor-Essex County Board of Health recommends local municipalities explore opportunities to coordinate accessible and affordable animal removal services for residents to reduce instances of high-risk rabies exposures in the community.
Motion: That the above resolution be approved.
Moved by: F. Francis
Seconded by: R. Shepley
CARRIED - 2025 WECHU Risk Registry (for approval)
Dr. Blanchette presented on the WECHU Risk Registry for 2025. This is presented annually to the board for approval. The risk categories are defined by the Ministry of Health. Each risk is managed by a staff member of WECHU who is accountable, owns the risk, and controls the risk.
When reviewing the changes between 2024 and 2025, there have been changes in the categories of fraud, health disparity, planning information & evaluation, and work disruption.
The WECHU will maintain the risk registry with quarterly board updates and review, and implementation of mitigation approaches.
F. Francis spoke to the risk of cyber security and the potential of pooling our resources to ensure we receive the best security that covers all partners, community agencies, etc. Dr. K. Blanchette responded that we would be open to this.
The Health Units are participating in provincial conversations on cyber security. K. McBeth added that many of our systems which contain our at-risk information is managed at a provincial level. However, there is always an opportunity to collaborate locally as well. H. MacDonald suggested that the IT departments work together to determine if this is feasible to a certain extent.
Dr. K. Blanchette will plan to speak to his contacts at the Association of Public Health Business Administrators (AOPHBA) and Dr. M. Aloosh will speak to his partners at the Council of Medical Officers of Health (COMOH) to gather more information about communication between Health Units around breaches.
Proposed Motion
Whereas, the Ontario Public Health Standards requires the identification, assessment, and mitigation of enterprise risks; and
Whereas, the Ministry of Health requires yearly reporting on the highest residual risks to the organization; and
Whereas, the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit identifies and establishes risk mitigation approaches;
Now therefore be it resolved that the Windsor-Essex County Board of Health accepts the risk assessment outlined in the 2025 WECHU Risk Registry and the proposed mitigation approaches;
FURTHER THAT, risk mitigation approaches will be adopted and monitored by the organization and reported to the Board of Health on a yearly interval.
Motion: That the above resolution be approved.
Moved by: F. Francis
Seconded by: R. Shepley
CARRIED - 2025 Budget (for approval)
M. Horrobin presented on the 2025 budget proposal. For the period of January 1, 2025 to December 1, 2025, the proposed budget total net expenditures are $25, 207, 000, representing a 1.0% increase over the 2024 budget. F. Francis stated that we need to advocate for a greater than 1% increase from the Province.
Proposed Motion
Whereas the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit receives grants annually from the Ministry of Health to a maximum of seventy (75%) percent of admissible expenditures associated with the Mandatory Program. In addition, WECHU receives required contributions from the Obligated Municipalities at a minimum of thirty (25%) percent of admissible expenditures, and
Whereas the Ministry of Health annually provides grants for certain related health protection and promotion programs at a rate of one hundred (100%) percent of admissible expenditures.
Now therefore be it resolved that the Windsor-Essex County Board of Health approve the 2024 Mandatory Program Budget, requiring $17,916,832 (71.1%) in base funding from the Ministry of Health and $7,290,208 (28.9%) in contributions from the Obligated Municipalities, the Corporation of the City of Windsor, the Corporation of the County of Essex, and the Corporation of the Township of Pelee, be approved.
Further that the Windsor-Essex County Board of Health approve the 2024 Mandatory Program Budget with total expenditures of $25,207,040, and offset revenue of $644,800, and
Further that the Windsor-Essex County Board of Health approve the 2024 Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program, funded at a rate of one hundred (100%) percent with total budgeted expenditures of $3,032,800.
Motion: That the above resolution be approved.
Moved by: F. Francis
Seconded by: R. Shepley
- Intimate Partner/Gender Based Violence (for approval)
- New Business
- CEO Quarterly Compliance Update (Dr. Ken Blanchette)
Dr. Blanchette highlighted the CEO Quarterly Compliance report in the Board Package. There was nothing of significance to report. - CEO Update (Dr. Ken Blanchette)
Dr. Aloosh and Dr. Blanchette attended the Association of Local Public Health Agencies (alPHa) conference last month. Dr. Blanchette reminded Board members that they are also invited to attend alPHa Conferences.
Dr. Blanchette announced that he has been elected as the Co-Chair of the Windsor-Essex Ontario Health Team. He shared that they are working toward some important achievements in the next year.
Motion: That the above information be received.
Moved by: R. Shepley
Seconded by: M. Prue
- CEO Quarterly Compliance Update (Dr. Ken Blanchette)
- In-Camera Session (Closed Session in accordance with Section 239 of the Municipal Act)
- Next Meeting: At the Call of the Chair, or Thursday, February 6, 2025
- Adjournment
Motion: That the meeting session be adjourned.
Moved by: R. Shepley
Seconded by: H. MacDonald
The open meeting session adjourned at 4:45 p.m. - In-Camera Session (Closed Session in accordance with Section 239 of the Municipal Act)
The Board moved in-camera at 4:48 pm
The Board moved out of in-camera at 4:55 pm
SUBMITTED BY: K. Blanchette