Board Members Present:
- Mr. Gary McNamara, Chair
- Mr. Mark Carrick, Treasurer
- Mr. Paul Borrelli
- Mr. Richard Meloche
- Mr. John Scott
- Ms. Michelle Watters
- Mr. Ken Blanchette, Vice-Chair
- Mr. Joe Bachetti
- Mr. Bill Marra
- Dr. Carlin Miller
- Mr. Ed Sleiman
Board Member Regrets:
- Dr. Deborah Kane
- Mr. Hilary Payne
- Mr. Gord Queen
Administration Present:
- Ms. Theresa Marentette
- Ms. Nicole Dupuis
- Ms. Kristy McBeth
- Ms. Lee Anne Damphouse
- Dr. Wajid Ahmed
- Ms. Lorie Gregg
- Mr. Dan Sibley
- Call to Order
With quorum officially met Chair, G. McNamara, called the meeting to order at 3:34 pm. - Announcements of Conflict of Interest
None declared. - Agenda Approval
The agenda was approved.
It was moved
That the agenda be approved.
CARRIED - Board Elections
Nominations for Chair
G. McNamara relinquished the Chair to T. Marentette, Board Secretary, to begin the election process. T. Marentette opened the floor for nominations for the position of Chair noting that Administration had received three (3) written nominations nominating Gary McNamara. T. Marentette asked for further nominations from the floor (three times). Given that there were no further nominations, nominations for the position of Chair were closed. G. McNamara, having accepted the nomination, was appointed Chair by acclamation.
Nominations for Vice-Chair
T. Marentette relinquished the Chair to Chair Elect, G. McNamara. The Chair opened the floor for nominations for the position of Vice-Chair noting that Administration had received three (3) written nominations for Dr. Ken Blanchette. The Chair asked for further nominations from the floor (three times). Given that there were no further nominations, nominations for the position of Vice-Chair were closed. Dr. Ken Blanchette, having accepted the nomination, was elected Vice-Chair by acclamation.
Nominations for Treasurer
The Chair opened the floor for nominations for the position of Treasurer noting that Administration had received three (3) written nominations for Mark Carrick. The Chair asked for further nominations from the floor (three times). Given that there were no further nominations, nominations for the position of Treasurer were closed. Mark Carrick, having accepted the nomination, was appointed Treasurer by acclamation. - Approval of Minutes
- Regular Board Meeting: December 21, 2017
It was moved
That the meeting minutes presented be approved.
- Regular Board Meeting: December 21, 2017
- Presentations
- 2018 Budget (L. Gregg)
L. Gregg provided an overview of the 2018 Budget for the Board. The WECHU had received a zero increase from the Ministry and is asking for 4% from each of the municipalities and 3.23% from the province. If funding approval is less than 3.23%, more funding from the municipalities would be required. Items briefly discussed were professional development, program supplies, professional fees, building occupancy, and an increase in cost to staff parking. Regarding the Capital Project, WECHU has applied for a planning grant and are awaiting approval (likely April 2018 timeline). The Ministry will determine the sum of the grant approval.
It was moved
That the Board move into Committee of the Whole at 4:04 pm
It was moved
That the Board move out of Committee of the Whole at 4:13 pm
Board of Health members briefly discussed the Ministry’s funding process. WECHU is recommending a request of 3.23% funding from the Ministry and 4% from the municipalities
It was moved
That the recommendation be approved and the 2018 Budget be accepted as presented.
Bill Marra arrived at 4:15 pm - Influenza Update (Dr. W. Ahmed)
Dr. W. Ahmed provided the Board with a brief overview of this year’s influenza season noting symptoms, how influenza is spread and the number of current outbreaks. The province is seeing more Influenza A outbreaks, but our community is seeing more Influenza B. Each year the vaccine is based on the circulating strain of the virus.
It was moved
That the presentation be received for information.
- 2018 Budget (L. Gregg)
- Consent Agenda
It was moved
That the reports listed on the Consent Agenda as Items 7a) to 7b) be received for information.
G. McNamara leaves the meeting at 4:46 pm – Relinquishes the Chair to Vice-Chair K. Blanchette - Reports and Questions – None
- Business Arising – None
- Media Coverage – Circulated
- Board Correspondence – Circulated
- New Business
- Financial Controls Checklist (L. Gregg)
L. Gregg provided a brief overview of the Financial Controls Checklist, the most common deficiency being the lack of segregation of duties. The Organization does its best to segregate the initiation of purchasing from ordering and receipt. There are instances as a result of vacations, illnesses and other unplanned absence, that impact the Organization’s ability to segregate. To mitigate risk, the Organization segregates the approval function (both for purchase and for payment) from the purchasing and receipt function. The action plan for 2018 and going forward, the Organization will continue to look for different strategies to mitigate risks associated with the segregation of incompatible duties.
The tracking of aging of accounts receivable is a manual function. As a result, risk exists that invoices may not be followed up on a timely manner. The action plan for 2018, commencing in the 2nd quarter and moving forward, it is anticipated that the volume of invoicing prepared by the Organization will be reduced. Manual tracking of aged invoices will remain until such time as a better systems solution can be identified.
It was moved
That the Financial Controls Checklist be received for information.
CARRIED - 2017 Q4 Operational Plan Report (K. McBeth)
K. McBeth advised that the Board will receive the 2017 Annual Report at the February Board meeting as well as the Operational Plan.
It was moved
That the information be received.
CARRIED - Board of Health Reports – New Templates for 2018 (T. Marentette)
T. Marentette noted that commencing in February that Board Reports will be AODA compliant and more useful to the Board. The biggest change will be in the Consent Agenda section with the Leadership Team noting relevant topics which may or may not be aligned with presentations.
It was moved
That the information be received.
- Financial Controls Checklist (L. Gregg)
- Board of Health Resolutions/Letters – None
- Committee of the Whole (CLOSED SESSION) in accordance with Section 239 of the Municipal Act
It was moved
That the Board move into Committee of the Whole at 5:02 pm
It was moved
That the Board move out of Committee of the Whole at 5:03 pm
CARRIED - Next Meeting: At the Call of the Chair or February 15, 2018 @ 4:00 pm in Essex
- Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 5:05 pm
Acting CEO, Director of Health Protection and Chief Nursing Officer, Board Secretary