Prepared By:
Tiffany Gartner-Duff, Performance Improvement & Accountability Coordinator (PIAC), Planning & Strategic Initiatives Department
November 5, 2018
Q3 Strategic Plan Report
The 2017-2021 WECHU Strategic Plan identifies key roles, priorities, and directions for the organization. It sets out what we plan to do, how we plan to do it, and how we will measure our progress. The Strategic Plan outlines opportunities to enhance our delivery of quality public health programs and services to all residents in Windsor and Essex County. The Strategic Plan is based on WECHU’s values of: Accountability, Empowerment, Leadership, Collaboration, and Equity, which underpin the plan’s four strategic priorities: Communication and Awareness, Partnerships, Organizational Development, and Evidence-Based Public Health Practice.
The Ontario Public Health Standards (2018), under the Good Governance and Management Practices Domain states that “the Board of Health shall provide governance direction to the administration and ensure that the board of health remains informed about the activities of the organization on the following: organizational effectiveness through evaluation of the organization and strategic planning”. In alignment with fulfilling this Ministry requirement, in early 2018 the Planning and Strategic Initiatives department implemented a corporate tracking system to monitor Strategic Plan performance and to provide quarterly and annual updates to the Board of Health. In the first and second quarters of 2018, progress was made on a number of objectives, while more work was needed to move others forward.
Current Initiatives:
The 2018 Q3 Strategic Plan Progress Report provides the objectives under each strategic priority with corresponding Q3 updates to measure our advancement towards achieving the goal. The colour-coded state for most of the objectives remained consistent from Q2, however progress has continued on most of the strategic objectives. Many are new initiatives which are multi-year strategies and difficult to achieve 100% compliance at this point in time. That being said, the WECHU is on-track towards achieving all objectives by 2021.
The following individuals contributed to this report:
- Kristy McBeth, Director, Knowledge Management
- Marc Frey, Manager, Planning & Strategic Initiatives
- Michael Janisse, Manager, Communications
- Jennifer Johnston, Health Promotion Specialist, Planning & Strategic Initiatives
- Jessica Kipping-Labute, Policy Advisor, Planning & Strategic Initiatives
- Dave Jansen, Performance Improvement and Accountability Coordinator, Planning & Strategic Initiatives
Approved by:
Theresa Marentette