Evidence-Based Public Health Practice

Strategic Priorities

Evidence-based public health practice icon

  • Communication and Awareness
  • Partnerships
  • Organizational Development

The WECHU will make decisions based on quality evidence and apply best practice program planning and policy development frameworks.

Making sound decisions and recommendations in public health is a complicated process due to diverse challenges and varying public needs. Key components of evidence-based practice include making decisions based on the best available scientific evidence, using data and information systems systematically, applying program planning frameworks, engaging the community in decision making, conducting sound evaluations, and disseminating what is learned.

This strategic priority emphasizes an overall organizational approach directed toward obtaining and using evidence for our decisions.

Objective Goal
Establish organizational supports for client-centered service strategies. 100% of departments collect corporate level client satisfaction data by 2021.
Develop and implement a framework to support healthy public policy. 100% of the Ontario Public Health Standards (OPHS) program areas have at least one activity focused on healthy public policy development by 2021.
Enhance local data collection efforts and analysis to support knowledge exchange both internally and externally. 100% of the OPHS population health assessment requirements (7), the research, knowledge exchange, and communication requirements (3) and the related protocols are being addressed by 2021.
Develop and implement protocols that ensure all programs and services are using a health equity approach. 100% of our programs have adopted a health equity approach by 2021.