Understanding your child’s developmental milestones is an important part of parenting that can help you learn about how your child is developing, and how you as the parent can help support their growth and development.
Milestones are skills such as smiling for the first time or taking a first step. Children reach milestones in how they play, learn, speak and move.
Milestones can help tell you what to expect as your child begins to interact with the world around them, and are broken down into several different areas such as:
- Movement
- Emotional and social development
- Speech and language
- Thinking and learning
All children develop at their own pace. When parents know what to expect at each stage of development, it can be easier to meet children’s needs and help with understanding their behaviour.
Play and Learn
Provides engaging activities to help your child learn, grow and thrive. You can also sign up to receive a weekly email or text that includes an activity to help support your child’s development.
The Looksee checklist: To download the Looksee checklist you must first create an account at Looksee Checklist It is FREE to sign up!
For more information on the Looksee Checklist, checkout these Frequently Asked Questions
EarlyOn Child and Family Centres (CFC)
What is an EarlyOn Center?
There are 30 EarlyOn Child and Family Centres through out Windsor-Essex. These centers offer FREE programs, both in-person and on-line, to families with children 0 to 6 years of age to support early learning, child development and a place to connect with your child. Check out a centre near you. Register at an EarlyOn Child and Family Center
Infant Hearing Program
Visit this website or call 1-877-818-8255 or 519-663-0273 if you have any concerns about your child’s hearing or have not had your child’s hearing tested.
John McGivney Children’s Centre
Are you concerned about your child/youth’s development (up to age 19 or 21 if in school)? The John McGivney Children’s Centre provides services that can help! Individuals, parents, legal guardians, physicians and/or other community agencies can make a referral by completing this new On-Line Referral Form.
Some common concerns for referrals include-concerns about the child/youth’s ability to:
- Move around
- Perform daily activities such as feeding/eating
- Understanding other people, or tell people what they want
- Get along with others, or the way their development impacts their ability to participate in activities
- Other concerns
You do not need a diagnosis or a physician referral, and they can arrange interpretation services.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Looksee is a checklist that can help parents track their child’s development from 1 month to 6 years of age. It also provides tips to promote your child’s ongoing development, and important skills that your child should be able to accomplish by a particular age.
Your child’s health care provider can check for certain milestones during any routine visit. The 18 month Well-Baby Visit to their health care provider is an important check-up. Bring your completed 18 month Looksee with you to help start your discussion about your child’s growth and development.
A Public Health Nurse can answer any questions you may have related to your child’s growth and development and/or LookSee checklist. Call our Healthy Families Hotline and speak with one of our Public Health Nurses at 519-258-2146 ext. 1350.