How to Help a Friend

Signs of Stress 

If you have a friend that is stressed because of life challenges, you may notice them:

  • Getting upset easily over small problems.
  • Often getting angry and yelling for no reason.
  • Feeling jittery or tired a lot.
  • Having trouble focusing on tasks.
  • Worrying too much about little things.
  • Not feeling confident in what they can do.
  • Having scary or sad thoughts that won’t go away.
  • Having a hard time making decisions and maybe missing chances because of it.
  • Starting a Conversation

You can begin a conversation to support your friend by following three simple steps. 

Step 1 - ASK:

  • Notice and express concern without judgment. Ask if they want to talk. 
  • Example: “I’ve noticed...and I am concerned. Would you like to talk?” 

Step 2 - LISTEN:

  • Give them time to talk and show empathy. 
  • Avoid saying things like “you’ll get over it,” “toughen up” or “you’re fine”. 
  • Use open questions like, “How did that feel?” and reassure them, “It’s normal to feel this way in tough situations.” 

Step 3 - SUPPORT:

  • Offer practical help within your means. Connect them with resources if needed. 
  • Respect their privacy unless safety is at risk (call 9-1-1 in emergencies).