OSDCP Client Letter

Dear Valued Client,

As a client of the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit’s Oral Health (Dental) Program, this letter is to let you know of some important changes to your dental care coverage.

A new program called the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) started on May 1st, 2024. This program, offered by the Federal Government of Canada, may allow you to keep receiving dental care at a private dental office. As an eligible client, you should have received a letter from the government with information on this program. For more information, including local dental offices accepting CDCP clients, you can visit this website or call our office.

As a client in our Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program, you can choose to use either program for your dental care. If you decide to get dental care outside of our clinic, there may be extra costs that are not covered by the CDCP. Before getting a service, we suggest talking to your new care provider about any costs you may have to pay. Should you continue using our Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program services, we look forward to seeing you soon at our clinic located at either 1005 Ouellette Avenue, Windsor or 33 Princess Street, Leamington.

If you have any questions about this letter, the Canadian Dental Care Plan, or the Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program, please contact our office at 519-258-2146 ext. 1199. 

Warm regards,

The WECHU Oral Health Department

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