Is Screen Time Affecting Sleep? Tips for Teens

Screen time is the time you spend using any screen. This includes: smart phones, T.V., tablets, computers, video games, or wearable technology. 

Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines Suggest:

  • Teens (14-17 years) need 8-10 hours of sleep daily.
  • Teens should have no more than 2 hours of recreational screen time a day and spend a short amount of time sitting.

45% of teens in grades 9-12 are meeting the National guideline of 8-10 hours of sleep per night.

Source: 2022-2023 COMPASS Survey Windsor-Essex.

2% of teens in grades 9-12 are meeting the National guideline of 2 hours or less of recreational screen time a day.

6 Steps to Switching Off Your Screens 

Pick a Time

Decide a time you will be powering off your screens each night.

Give Notice

Tell your friends and family that you will be shutting down your device for the night.

Plan Ahead

Pick a calming activity to do instead of using your screens.

Shut Down

Put your devices in a safe place where you will not see them.

Stick With It

You may fear you are missing out without your screen, but it is important to stick to your goal.

Get Support

Challenge a friend/family member to cut down on their screen time, to help keep each other on track.

Tips to Improve Your Sleep

Work out: exercise daily, but make sure to finish a few hours before bed so you have time to relax.

Try a calming activity: instead of using your screen before bed, like taking a warm bath, reading, listening to calming music, or stretching.

Write in a sleep diary or create a bedtime routine a sleep diary or bedtime routine chart can help you track your sleep habits and figure out what you need to do to sleep better.

Watch the Better Sleep Video Series: the videos talk about a variety of sleep topics and tips if you are having a hard time sleeping .

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