Suicide prevention

Suicide Awareness and Intervention

The act of suicide can be related to complex stressors, substance use, and health issues that may lead an individual to experience hopelessness and despair, or to act impulsively (CAMH, 2022). Suicide can be prevented.

The Importance of Suicide Prevention: Quick Facts and Statistics

Now, more than ever, it is important to build community-wide strategies that foster and support mental health promotion and suicide prevention awareness, education, and intervention. The ongoing challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health reinforce the importance of sustaining our annual efforts for life promotion and suicide prevention in Windsor-Essex County.

Mental Illness

Mental illness can be defined as a condition that is characterized by alterations in mood, thinking, and/or behaviour, and associated with symptoms of significant distress and decreased functioning. There are a wide variety of mental illnesses, ranging from mood disorders, anxiety disorders, personality disorders, eating disorders, schizophrenia, problem gambling, and substance use disorders.

Mental Health

Mental health is the capacity to feel, think and act in ways that enhance our ability to enjoy life, realize our own potential, deal with challenges, and contribute to society (Mental Health Commission of Canada).