Other Resources, Apps, and Websites

The following are some key resources, websites and apps, that can help you get and stay active. These resources include tips to being active, links to other physical activity websites, links to trails, maps, and facilities in your area where you can be active, and apps., that can help to enhance your physical activity experience and a whole lot more!

Physical Activity E-learning Courses

The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit is offering free e-learning modules on Physical Activity and Getting Active.

We're pleased to offer several modules that will help you learn all about the health benefits of being active and what you can do to become more active in your daily life by following Canada's 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for adults 18+ and older adults, 65.

Each module can be done on its own or can be completed as a series, and should take approximately 20 to 30 minutes to complete. At the end of completing the module, participants will receive a certificate of completion for each module in the series. 

Learn more about our e-learning modules here.

While planning how you will work toward your weekly goals to get and stay active, it is also important to identify what has made it, or is making it, difficult for you to get active and stay with it. For example, it could be that you are too tired, don’t have enough time or are just bored or not feeling the motivation. 

It could be too expensive to buy the sport equipment or join a gym. As well you might live in an area where getting to a facility/community centre to be active is difficult or you feel your area is unsafe (e.g., damaged sidewalks, poor street lightening, petty crime, loose dogs). You may also be someone who prefers being active with others and it may be difficult to find someone whose company you enjoy.

Whatever the reason these “barriers” can stifle your good intentions of becoming more physically active.  The following are some barriers you may experience when being active and some possible solutions, tips, and ideas to help you overcome some of these barriers when trying to be and become more active. 

What makes it difficult for you to be active? 


I am too tired to be active
  • Be active in the early morning or mid-day, rather than in the evening when you are tired. 
  • Keep in mind that you will have more energy after you do your physical activity.
I do not have enough time to be active
  • Make physical activity a part of your schedule and stick to it.
  • At work, take active breaks (e.g., go for a walk around the building, go up and down the stairs).
  • Bike or walk to your destination instead of using inactive forms of transportation.
  • Remember, physical activity can be part of your everyday life! This can be activities such as walking to the mailbox, mowing the grass, parking farther away from your destination, etc. 
  • Any form of physical activity can count toward your weekly goal of 150 minutes of aerobic activity. 
I have children to take care of
  • This can be difficult especially when we have younger children to attend to everyday. However including them in our daily activities could help you get those much needed physical activity minutes. by:
    • If you have a stroller, include them by walking them with you when going to a store or picking up mail at the mailbox.
    • Take them on a bike ride around the neighbourhood. That way you are both being active.
    • Include them outdoor activities like raking leaves or gardening. Make a game out of it. 
  • When finding activities to do with your children, consider choosing ones where everyone can be active such as visiting a park to kick a soccer ball or playing tag or hide and seek with them. 
I cannot afford to be active
  • Being physically active does not mean that you have to join a gym or pay for classes; you can be physically active at home or outside!
  • For further ideas above being active on a budget check out the following tips and resources (should be linked to affordable recreation webpage in physical activity section of wechu website)
I have no one to be active with
  • Join an online physical activity class or group.
  • Invite and encourage friends in your social bubble to be active with you such as going for a walk/run with you.
  • Make being active a family event.
  • If you have a dog, plan to take him/her for walks with you. We’re pretty sure your dog will never say no.
I have nowhere to exercise
  • Make use of the local trails within Windsor and Essex County. Find a trail near you
  • Walk around your neighbourhood or if the weather is bad, go to a sports complex with a walking track. 
  • Use the sidewalks or open park space by your home to get active.
  • Visit the park and kick the soccer ball around with the family or enjoy some Frisbee golf. 
I feel uncomfortable and awkward when being active
  • Be active with a friend or family member who supports you in being active. Over time, you will feel better about yourself while being active.
  • Choose activities that you are more comfortable doing.
  • Don’t compare yourself to others. Go at your own pace and do what feels right for you. Start being active with someone that is at the same skill level as you; you can both work on improving together. 
I am experiencing pain when working out
  • Be self-aware of what is causing your pain. Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is a common type of muscle stiffness or soreness that is brought on by a new type of activity, a harder than usual exercise, or by working your muscles in a different way. DOMS often last between 3-5 days and doesn’t usually require medical intervention. If you are experiencing unbearable pain, or the affected part of your body becomes swollen, stop the activity and seek advice from your healthcare provider. 
  • Pain experienced during physical activity, such as the sharp, acute, and sudden pain of an injury should not be confused with DOMS, and you should seek help from your healthcare provider right away, as this may point to a strain or sprain.
  • If you have known health concerns, consult with your healthcare provider and plan an activity program that is right for you. Start your activities with a warm-up activity (e.g., 2-3 minutes of jump-rope, jumping jacks, or simple stretches) and always cool down (e.g., slow walk and stretch) before you finish.
I find that I am getting bored with my activities
  • It could be time to switch it up or challenge yourself a little more. What about your physical activity that is boring to you? If you narrow it down, it might be easier to find a remedy.
  • Look for something new or different - research what your local municipality has to offer in terms of activities or if you are a member at a gym, see what classes they have to offer. 
  • Engage in something that you find exciting or have always wanted to try (e.g., canoeing, kayaking, swimming, jogging, yoga).
  • Find out what kind of activities your friends are doing that you might enjoy and ask them if you could join them. Make sure they are in your social bubble during the pandemic! 
  • Listen to music while working out.
  • Switch up your running/walking route; get active outdoors!
  • Remember, there are many different ways that you can be active.
I find it hard to be active as I have difficulty moving.
  • Having difficulty moving can be challenging as some individuals cannot stand for long periods, require a walker, a cane or wheelchair to be able to move around. Certain physical conditions can make it difficult to find the right type of activities for you.   However, there are various physical activity programs and services that are offered to help with individuals having mobility difficulties. Check with your health care provider what programs are available in your community to help you get active if you have mobility issues. 
  • You can also visit our Community Calendar on the Windsor- Essex County Health Unit website homepage. Many of our community partners post information that often include programs for individuals who have existing health conditions or are involved in rehabilitation. 
  • Check out these links that provide some ideas and supports that can help you to be active:



National voice of physical activity and sport participation in Canada.

Canadian Society of Exercise Physiology 
Information on Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines and Recommendations.

Sport For Life 
Website includes numerous resources, plus services they offer such as acting as a lead and contributing to physical activity projects, deliver workshops, e-learning, webinars and large events on physical literacy and Long-Term Athlete Development principles.

Canadian Fitness Lifestyle Research Institute
A national research organization concerned with monitoring the physically activity levels of Canadians and sharing knowledge about the importance of leading healthy, active lifestyles with professionals and the public.

Parks Canada
Park locator, information on national parks, trails and amenities.

Ontario Provincial Parks
Park locator, information on Ontario parks, trails and amenities.

Hike Ontario
Provides information on training courses, hiking clubs, and local trails in your area.

Heart and Stroke: Get Healthy/Stay Active
Information and tips on how to get and stay active.



There are many apps that focus on becoming and staying active. Check the App Store or Google Play Store for ideas.

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