The Decider Life Skills Program - Week 1 - The FIZZ and STOPP

This information sheet is to explain more about The Decider Life Skills Program that is taking place in your child’s classroom. 

You will get a summary for the next 5 weeks telling you about the skills that were taught to your child. We encourage you to ask your child about the skills they have learned!


The Decider describes the “FIZZ” as the physical signs of emotion in your body. For example:

  • Muscles tense up
  • Body sweats
  • Mouth gets dry
  • Racing thoughts
  • Eyes widen
  • Breathing fast and shallow
  • Stomach starts to hurt
  • Heart beats fast

Sometimes, emotions can be overwhelming. It’s like we are a bottle of pop that has been shaken. Without coping skills, these emotions can build-up and explode, just like that bottle of pop would. This can result in an unhealthy behaviour.

We all have experienced the “Fizz,” and at some point, almost everyone has had a poor reaction to feeling a strong emotion. If we take a minute and choose how to react, we might get a more positive result.

When children and adults are able to recognize they are feeling their “Fizz” go up, they can then choose what skill they want to use to help them to not feel so sad or anxious.

Your child has been taught to describe their feelings based on a “Fizz” scale. They were asked to think about what makes them feel “Fizzy” and what physical signs they feel.
The FIZZ Scale Signs that I am feeling THE FIZZ


The STOPP skill puts space between our emotions and how we act. It needs to be used as soon as you start to feel the “FIZZ” or the physical signs of emotion in your body.

The STOPP app, is a mobile app version of the skill, which gives users a strategy to use anytime they need help. This can be help to manage thoughts, feelings, and behaviours

QR code for STOPP app


  • Stop and step back. Don’t act immediately. Pause.    

Take a breath

  • Take one slow, deep breath.
  • IN through the nose-hold it- OUT through the mouth.


  • What am I thinking about?
  • What am I focusing on?
  • What am I reacting to?
  • What am I feeling in my body?
  • Am I feeling THE FIZZ? What number am I on THE FIZZ scale?

Pull Back

  • Zoom out! See the big picture.
  • Is this fact or opinion?
  • Is there another way of looking at it?
  • What would someone else say about it?
  • What advice would I give a friend in this situation?
  • What meaning am I giving this event for me to react in this way?
  • How important is it right now, and will it be important in 6 months?


  • Practice what works. Proceed only when you are sure.
  • Do I have to act now? Can I wait and see?
  • Consider the results of any action.
  • Do what is BEST for this situation.

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